Haylix – Cloud. Automated. Always.

Logo of Haylix Protect cloud service

The Haylix PROTECT suite offers industry leading data protection & business continuity services around the enhanced orchestration of compliant and continuous cloud protection.

Rising Cyber Threats

Businesses need to ensure their IT systems remain operational and data accessible in the event of a wide ranges of real world challenges. 

Cyber threats pose an increasing strain on budgets, technology architecture, and process. Ransomware strategies can financially cripple businesses and poorly architect backup and disaster recovery services offer false security.

Further complicating data protection is the expansion of hybrid business applications and services. The challenge of how to orchestrate and manage the protection and recovery of data, applications and entire systems is where Safe COPY Backup as a service and Safe PLACE, Disaster Recovery as a service covers your business continuity requirements, securely and affordably.

circular graph showing 97%

97% of ransomware attacks
attempted to infect backup repositories
73% of those attempts were successful

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43% of companies experiencing major data loss go out of business if they have no disaster recovery plan

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36% is the average data loss after a ransomware attack

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76% of companies had at least one ransomware attack in 2021

A Secure Solution

The Haylix PROTECT suite offers industry leading data protection & business continuity services around the enhanced orchestration of compliant and continuous cloud protection.

Your application and service spawl will be contained within the Haylix PROTECT framework.

No matter how stringent your data protection and recovery demands may be, Safe COPY and Safe PLACE will ensure your business services remain online with access to your validated data over time.

  • Compliance Backup & DR documentation
  • Automation for compliance & security
  • Integrity checks to ensure data is malware free
  • Hassle & risk free DR testing
  • Hybrid cloud orchestration
  • Imitability though technology & design

Haylix PROTECT Feature Set

Backup as a Service

Maintaining access to your online platform by ensuring your valuable data remains available, durable and responsive has never been more complex.

Against the acceleration of cyber threats, business’s need Safe COPY & Safe COPY+, Backup as a Service solution to protect against evolving Ransomware attacks & human error to name just a few.

Safe COPY+ meets the most stringent compliance, protection & restoration demands through technology, design & AI automation.

Haylix Protect Safe Copy Plus icon
Safe COPY+

For the most advanced & highly granular backup service requirements. Safe COPY+ provides the most flexible & robust data protection capabilities that can span across multi-cloud solutions to satisfy the most stringent RTO & RPO requirements.

Haylix Protect Safe Copy icon

Based upon native backup services within AWS and Azure, and architected to ensure performance, technology separation and immutable. Safe COPY satisfies the majority of business needs at an economical price point.

Disaster Recovery as a Service

Protecting your cloud, Hybrid/Multi-cloud against infrastructure or service failure with integrated native cloud services, enhanced disaster recovery platforms all with a compliance and cyber protection first design.

With increased demands for availability across all business sizes and expansion of services being offered, how to manage the recovery of complete datasets is challenging and complex, Safe PLACE provides simplified, orchestrated business continuity and DR compliance.

Haylix Protect Safe Place Plus icon

Delivering enhanced orchestrion of disaster recovery protection and testing.  Safe PLACE+ integrates with the majority of leading applications and databases to provide sub minute disaster recovery synchronisations (RPO) and failover. 

Built to satisfy cross business billing chargeback as well as compliance reporting through automated DR documentation.

Haylix Protect Safe Place icon

Designed to provide affordable and secure disaster recovery.  Low RPO, customer and flexible multi-site & region replication.

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